human resources, occupational health and safety, multinational workers.Abstract
The paper presents the characteristics of migrant workers unemployment and their working conditions in Estonia. The main information in the article concerns non-Estonians, half of whom has been born in Estonia and many of them have also Estonian citizenship, working conditions of both first and second generation migrants. A lot of migrants arrive to Estonia during the Soviet Union in order to find a job. At that time, workers came to Estonia after the graduation from the Universities during their prime working ages. In addition, the development of occupational health and safety (OH&S) system in Estonia is described in order to better understand the current situation in this field. The issue of job insecurity and cultural differences with a special focus on the situation in the field of OH&S in Estonia are briefly described. The paper presents recommendations needed for improvement the situation in OH&S for multinational workforce in Estonia as well as suggests that human resources are the important part for facilitating a successful cultural and work adjustment.