
  • Rita Kuvykaitė Kaunas University of Technology
  • Monika Alimienė Kaunas University of Technology



changes of internationalisation processl, traditional exporters, born global firms, marketing decisions


With the growth of international business integration and globalisation, internationalisation of company activities has become a necessity seeking to survive and develop own business regardless of company size, managed resources, and nature of activities. And although many companies still internationalise their activities slowly following the evolutionary trajectory of activity internationalisation, there are more and more dynamic companies that start their activities in foreign markets very quickly after their establishment. These new international companies, also called born global firms, are defined as small, technologically-oriented, entrepreneurial business organisations that seek to acquire a competitive advantage starting from their establishment acting in an international market, applying innovative business strategies, and thus acquiring the necessary resources for activities and selling their products in many countries.
Up till now formation of marketing decisions in international markets has been assessed as a consistent evolutionary process when companies change marketing decisions depending on the stage of involvement in activities in foreign markets and set goals of activities in international markets. But evolving marketing decisions cannot be applied to all companies that are active in foreign markets, or they should be used with exceptions with regard to the particularity of the internationalisation process of these companies. Analysis of theoretical and empirical studies allows to state that companies that are involved in activities in international markets more actively apply adaptation of marketing decisions more often than their standardization. Standardization of marketing decisions for companies that get involved in activities in international markets quite slowly is one of the essential factors of their successful international activity.
The research objective of this article is to assess differences of marketing decisions of traditional exporters and born global firms.
Methods for the research – analysis and generalization of systematic academic literature and an empirical research (questionnaire survey) of marketing decisions of Lithuanian traditional exporters and born global firms Lithuanian exporting firms.
Empirical research has revealed that the analysed Lithuanian born global firms, when compared with traditional exporters, adapt their marketing decision more often than they standardize them; born global firms seek for immediate communication with consumers in international markets more often, born global firms create new products or services for certain international markets more often than traditional exporters do, and they adapt price and promotion actions for international markets also more often than traditional exporters.
Summarizing the results of the performed research of standardization/adaptation of marketing decisions of Lithuanian traditional exporters and born global firms it is possible to state that Lithuanian born global firms, when compared with traditional exporters, are more inclined to a more often adaptation of marketing decisions, which is determined by characteristics of born global firms and the process of involvement in activities in international markets.







Contemporary Marketing